Artifact Spotlight #2

#16 (live auction)
“Next Sunday is the date set for the annual picnic of the old tiers at Cooke City.” – Big Timber Pioneer, August 3, 1922
Oil on canvas
The fish fry was the grand event of the year in Cooke, most would say that was when all of the socializing was done. Men and women would come down from their work out of the mountains and visitors would stream in from surrounding towns like Gardiner, Livingston and Red Lodge to enjoy the food and company. With so many people gathered together, it made for a wonderful opportunity to pull out a camera. One of the most memorable images we have of Cooke City folks is in a photograph from about 1915, taken during a fish fry event.

#11 (silent auction)
“An enterprising woman has taken four cows to the Clark’s Fork mines and is selling milk at 25 cents per quart.” – The New Northwest, August 4, 1882
Oil on canvas
This wonderful pitcher is part of the Margaret Reeb collection. The color and shape of this artifact made it a perfect item to paint. Located in the Women’s exhibit, this pitcher is an excellent testament to the beauty to be found in everyday household objects.