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“[Ernest Hemingway] has written some of his best works there.” –Big Timber Pioneer, 1936 Oil on canvas 9.5"x14"

# 2

# 2

“Being one of the few children in Cooke, I at once became a great favorite with the miners. I often wondered how I could have lived without them. I loved them, but best of all, I loved Horn Miller.” – Mary Margaret Curl, ME Oil on canvas 6"x6"

# 3

# 3

“A new town called ‘Jay Cooke City’ has been started in the Clark’s Fork district.” – The New Northwest, January 6, 1882 Oil on canvas 5"x7"

# 4

# 4

“Jack Allen, the enterprising hotel keeper of Cooke, has purchased a new flag and now has the ensign of liberty floating out to the breeze above the Cosmopolitan.” – The Anaconda Standard, July 8, 1893 Oil on canvas 6"x6"

# 5

# 5

“Mr. Vandyke wore a crop of hair which reached to his shoulders, and with his trapper’s dress and big gun, would present a startling aspect in the effete east.” – Red Lodge Picket, May 28, 1892 Oil on canvas 9"x12"

# 6

# 6

“Only a few days before his death [Horn Miller] made the announcement that he was going to wait another 40 years for a railroad, and that if it did not get there by that time he was going to Alaska.” – Flathead Courier, February 12, 1920 Oil on canvas 10"x11"

# 7

# 7

“According to a report reaching here from Cooke City, George Fisher, old timer prospector and all his life a strong believer in Cooke City, has struck it rich.” – Park City Enterprise, March 24, 1915 Oil on canvas 9.5"x14"

# 8

# 8

“The first load of freight to get into the mining camp of Cooke this spring consisted of beer and whiskey, Grub was a secondary consideration.” – Red Lodge Picket, June 24, 1893 Oil on canvas 6"x6"

# 9

# 9

“My father’s old compass.” – Margaret Reeb speaking of George Reeb ('Morphine Charley') Oil on canvas 6"x6"

# 10

# 10

“At Cooke City, the scene is one of unusual activity for midwinter…About 20 families are now in the camp.” – Daily Yellowstone Journal, January 15, 1886 Oil on canvas 6"x6"

# 11

# 11

“An enterprising woman has taken four cows to the Clark’s Fork mines and is selling milk at 25 cents per quart.” – The New Northwest, August 4, 1882 Oil on canvas 11"x12"

# 12

# 12

“[Hon. Eaton] was a member of the constitutional convention and besides being a gentleman of ability was pronounced the handsomest man in that designated body.” – The River Press, 1884 Oil on canvas 10"x10"

# 13

# 13

“He said it was amusing to watch a Cooke millionaire washing his clothes” – Red Lodge Picket, June 14, 1890 Oil on canvas 10"x29"

# 14

# 14

“As the last day of the year verged into the first of January, 1884, lights were seen in all directions, and men on snow shoes were busily jumping and re-locating claims.” – The River Press, January 16, 1884 Oil on canvas 10"x20"

# 15

# 15

“At their hotel in Cooke [Mrs. Jack Allen] had one room containing many interesting articles—one being a dress from England 100 years old.” – Big Timber Pioneer, April 21, 1938 Oil on canvas 16"x20"

# 16

# 16

“Next Sunday is the date set for the annual picnic of the old tiers at Cooke City.” – Big Timber Pioneer, August 3, 1922 Oil on canvas 9"x12"

# 17

# 17

“McLaren some years ago invented an ice cream cone. It netted him a comfortable fortune. His health failed a few years ago and he drifted west in search of strength.” – Big Timber Pioneer, January 18, 1934 Oil on canvas 9"x12"

# 18

# 18

“When we consider the life lead by our pioneers; how men who were unaccompanied by their wives were forced to gain a knowledge of the elements of housewifely duties …Almost all men who came to Montana in the 60’s attained to some degree of skill in cooking.” - James Gourley, Montana Pioneer of 1862, Saw Exciting Times Along the Yellowstone, Choteau Acantha, October 6, 1927 Oil on canvas 12"x21.5"

# 19

# 19

“The old timers in Cooke declared it impossible.” –Auto Successfully Driven From Cooke, Northern Wyoming Herald, 1919 Oil on canvas 10"x20"

# 20

# 20

“And so they get through the winter very well.” – Gertrude Zerr, Those That Stayed Oil on canvas 9.5"x11.5"

# 21

# 21

“The finest load of watermelons that has ever been packed into Cooke City will be taken into that thriving mining city on pack horses…It is estimated that the melons will bring $1 a piece upon their arrival” – Big Timber Pioneer, October 1, 1914 Oil on canvas 10"x20"

# 22

# 22

“They could…accomplish a fair cup of coffee, although they were prone to leave in the grounds from day to day, thus adding to the strength, if not the flavor of the beverage.” - James Gourley, Montana Pioneer of 1862, Saw Exciting Times Along the Yellowstone, Choteau Acantha, October 6, 1927 Oil on canvas 9"x12"

# 23

# 23

"What do you do when the feet of your socks wear out?" I asked. "Turn them over with the heels on top," he replied. Certainly a labor-saving device. - Choteau Acantha, October 6, 1927 Oil on canvas 9"x12"

© 2015 by KELLY HARTMAN. Proudly created with

Cooke City Montana Museum

206 W. Main Street

P.O. Box 1134

Cooke City, MT 59020

Museum Director: Kelly Hartman

​Telephone : ​406-838-2203 

Email :


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